Windspear is the faerie steed of Kieran in the Wild Hunt.
Windspear was given to Kieran as a gift by the prince's older brother Adaon when he was very young.[1]
During their time with the Hunt, Kieran and his lover Mark Blackthorn mounted Windspear together several times.
In August 2012, after Mark had left the Hunt, Kieran lent Windspear to him for a night and took him back after. Some time after, Kieran once again rode Windspear to the Los Angeles Institute and, with Mark, rode to Malcolm's convergence to rescue Mark's brother Octavian. Windspear and Kieran briefly stood guard outside the convergence cave before Mark and Julian Blackthorn came back for them. Julian mounted Windspear and rode him into the cave. The steed later kicked Malcolm Fade to save Kieran. After the battle, Windspear carried Kieran back to the Institute, and then back to the Hunt,[2] though they were captured en route.[3]
The following month, Windspear saved Kieran from capture and further torture in the Scholomance. As the Cohort was closing in on him in the library, he used his abilities to summon him. He then whisked him away to where he ended up saving Mark and Cristina Rosales from a pack of Harpyia demons. Some time later, Windspear came to Kieran's help once again in the battle at the Cohort's parley, taking down one of the Riders of Mannan and helping him weave in and out of the rest of the battle.[4]
Physical description[]
Being a faerie steed, Windspear can change his appearance, but unglamoured, he often appears as a white stallion with red eyes and two gold hooves and two silver.[4]