The Shadowhunters' Wiki
The Shadowhunters' Wiki

The Shanghai Institute is the Institute located in Shanghai, China.


The building makes its home in the long sacred Longhua Temple. Its design blends with those around it with the same brocks, upturned eaves, and hexagonal windows. In one of its towers, it has a copper bell—matching a similar bell in a nearby tower—that tolls every dusk to ward off demons. Up a set of stairs, the entryway has massive double doors that are half a meter thick.

Its grounds also feature a peach orchard.


Before the creation of Shadowhunters, the building was a part of Longhua Temple. At one point early on in their history, the Nephilim claimed part of the grounds to become an Institute.[1]


In the 1800s, the Institute was run by the parents of Jem Carstairs: Ke Wen Yu and Jonah Carstairs. At one point, Wen Yu destroyed a demon nest and the vengeful sire of the nest, Yanluo, sought revenge. Eventually, in 1872, it found a weakness in the Institute's defenses and attacked. It initially killed everyone in the Institute except the Carstairs. In this case, the demon decided to torture the family. By the time help arrived, Jem was the only survivor left to save.[2]

Some time after defeating Yanluo, Ke Yiwen was appointed as the new Institute head.[3] The position has since stayed in the Ke family.


Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild, Isabelle Lightwood and Simon Lovelace visited the Institute while on a mission to look for Shinyun Jung and Ragnor Fell.[1]



Into early 1900s


  • Rather than strictly adhere to the Covenant, the Institute operates to maintain peace by allowing some illegal Downworld activity.[1]

