Ifrits are warlocks who are incapable of performing magic.
Ifrits, while unable to perform magic, still possess demon marks. Many ifrits are easily distinguishable by their red skin and taloned hands. Occasionally, ifrits may be born with marks that can be easily hidden—they are referred to as "ghost ifrits".
Still being warlocks, ifrits are also infertile.[1]
Some ifrits, whose marks can easily be hidden or those who acquire a permanent glamour, live in the mundane world and lead normal lives with no doings with the Shadow World at all.
Meanwhile, those whose warlock marks are visible and attention-grabbing have fallen into the underclass of the supernatural world—not being able to find a respectable life among Downworlders without magical abilities—and are thus not able to blend in among mundanes; because of this, some are often found working on the wrong side of the Law.[1]
During the Victorian era in London, ifrits ran drug dens, selling primarily demon drugs, faerie powders, and warlock spices. There were also ifrits also attended Benedict Lightwood's illicit parties in Victorian times.[2]
During modern times in New York, Taki's Diner is guarded by ifrits.[3]