The encanto, also known as "the fascination", is the unique ability of vampires to almost hypnotically convince other humans, both mundanes and Shadowhunters, to believe or do practically anything they're told.
Performing the encanto is a skill practiced by vampires and developed over time,[1] so it is typically older and more powerful vampires who often use it. Meanwhile, Shadowhunters undergo training to resist it.[2]
The use of soothing voices and prolonged eye contact on their victims contributes to the success of the encanto.[1][2]
In the 1700s, Paris became a sort of terrain of vampires and was largely avoided by most other Downworlders. A huge part was due to the encanto the vampires had cast upon many of the country's nobles.[3]
When Raphael Santiago was first Turned in 1953, he was quick to learn and perfect his encanto. Magnus Bane wondered if it was because Raphael had been practicing, or if it came naturally to him because of his innate ability to impose his will on others.[4]
In 2007, Simon Lewis used this ability on his mother, Elaine, to make her forget the conversation in which he confessed he was a vampire. However, the effect didn't last long, probably because Simon had been newly Turned, and his mother remembered it to an extent some time later.[5]