Elizabeth Beauvale was the sister of Julie Beauvale and one of the many casualties of the Dark War.
Elizabeth resided in an Institute with her family. During the early days of the Dark War, Elizabeth's mother had apparently been one of the first Shadowhunters to be forcibly Turned into Endarkened soldiers by Sebastian Morgenstern. Afterwards, their Institute received the order to evacuate to Alicante, so she, her sister, Julie, and presumably their father immediately departed to Idris.
During the last night of the Dark War, Elizabeth and Julie were among the children locked up in the Accords Hall for safety. However, the faeries of the Wild Hunt unexpectedly made it inside the building. As Julie watched, a beautiful faerie with silver hair struck Elizabeth down with his sword, killing her. According to Julie, she was one of the last fatalities of the war.
Because of his grief, their father became "useless" in the aftermath of her and her mother's deaths. Julie chose to deal with her grief by going to the Shadowhunter Academy to learn how to fight for "next time."[1]
Skills and abilities[]
- Nephilim physiology: Being Nephilim, Elizabeth possessed a variety of enhanced physical and mental abilities granted to her by the blood of Raziel in her veins and also by the angelic Marks of the Gray Book. She also had the power to perform tasks unique to their species, such as the ability to use and call on the power of angels for their seraph blades. This includes enhanced strength, agility, stamina, and coordination, which only improves over time and practice.
- The Lost Herondale (first mention)
- Pale Kings and Princes (mentioned only)
- Born to Endless Night (mentioned only)
- Angels Twice Descending (mentioned only)