The Shadowhunters' Wiki
The Shadowhunters' Wiki
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SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow. Caution is advised!

Rotten in one world, rotten in another...

Emma about Dane, Queen of Air and Darkness

Dane Larkspear was a Shadowhunter who got turned into an Endarkened by Sebastian Morgenstern.


This character's history is identical to that of his alternate dimension counterpart up until just before the Dark War, where the timeline split and the following changes took place.

In 2014, Emma Carstairs noticed that one of the Endarkened attacking her and the Bradbury resistance was Dane Larspear, whom she knew from her world. Cameron Ashdown then kicked Dane's legs out from under him. With Sebastian's death only shortly after, every Endarkened died including Dane.[1]


