The Shadowhunters' Wiki
The Shadowhunters' Wiki

Callida Fairchild was the sister of the former head of the London Enclave, Granville.


Callida regularly attended Enclave meetings at the London Institute. By the time her niece Charlotte had taken over, Callida often supported her when others doubted her, though she did not think much of her husband, Henry, even pointing out that Charlotte did all the work her husband should have been sharing.

1878 was a particularly big year for all of them. During a meeting at the Institute in June, which Tessa Gray, Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale were eavesdropping on, Will claimed that Callida once propositioned him and that he had declined because she frightened him, although neither Jem nor Tessa believed him.[1] Callida later attended the two Council meetings that discussed the leadership of the London Institute.[2]

She was also present at the "Council massacre". The meeting was called by Consul Wayland, requiring all Shadowhunters to attend, following the letter Charlotte sent out asking for assistance with the Magister. Wayland accused Charlotte of being incompetent, hysterical, and emotional because of her pregnancy, and announced that Charlotte was relieved of her position as head of the Institute, prompting Callida to try and defend her niece. Mortmain's automatons soon broke in and attacked the mostly unarmed and unprepared Shadowhunters, leaving Callida's fate unknown.[3]


Callida is a proud and imperious woman, quite aware of the power of her family. According to Jem, Callida likes to tell people what to do, while she would always do whatever she wanted.[1]

Physical description[]

Callida is tall, nearly six feet in height, with graying hair usually wound on the top of her head. She looks as if she was well into her sixties, though she possessed a regal, formidable presence about her.[1][2]


